Ok, so I guess that's a little exaggeration. But I've been unable to go anywhere by myself for almost two full months now and it is getting a little old. I mean, where I live is pretty rural, so I guess I could roam the neighborhood but when I walk, I prefer to walk to a destination. You know, like McDonald's.

However, being stuck inside does open up a realm of possibilites. I peruse the internet, take advantage of the Netflix instant watch program, and watch a lot of Investigative Discovery. While watching the news today (which I normally don't do) one of the big stories was that the "Fluffernutter" might become the official sandwich of Massachusetts. Really? Really.

What is this "Fluffernutter" you might ask? It is marshmellow fluff and peanut butter. On a sandwich. I've had fluff before, in hot chocolate, and I enjoy peanut butter sandwiches, but I don't think I would ever put them together. EVER. Since I am originally from Illinois, I figured why not look up what the official sandwich of Illinois is - just for kicks. All Google turned up was Sandwich, Illinois, which is a town. A little one of just over 6,500 people, Sandwich is in Northern Illinois just Southwest of Chicago.
As of the moment, I would take Sandwich, IL over a fluffernutter. What does marshmellow fluff and peanut butter have to say about a state? I enjoy sweets with my protein? I mean really. The last six months in Mass. have not warmed my heart - not saying it couldn't happen - but the "Fluffernutter" is not going to do it for me.
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